Corporate Investment Strategies That Save Taxes

We have a number of tax-saving strategies to help professionals, corporate clients, and clients who own businesses. These strategies can help them to lower their tax obligation, such as mitigating passive income tax and repositioning corporate assets so they are more beneficial for clients and less beneficial for CRA. We will briefly list below of few of the ideas, but each client is different. We encourage readers to contact us directly so we can design a strategy specifically for you.

There are ways to get CRA to help fund your retirement with a corporate-insured retirement strategy, which will produce non-taxable income upon retirement.

Properly set up or properly designed, Critical Illness insurance, for example, will produce tax-free income from your company upon retirement.

There are several tax advantages to corporate-owned segregated funds which most people are not aware of.

Your corporation’s Capital Dividend Account can be used to transfer corporate assets out of a company tax-free.

Key person insurance can fund shareholders' retirement.

These are just a few of our corporate strategies. Contact us today to talk about how these strategies can benefit you and your loved ones.